+27 (11) 867 3505 church@bbcmail.co.za
The Problem with Security

The Problem with Security

We have repeatedly noted in our study in Amos that, during the time that Amos ministered, Israel had never been more secure. King Jeroboam II had brought unprecedented peace for the nation. But Israel’s security became its curse. Chapter 6 brings the problem of...
Lessons from an Intercessor

Lessons from an Intercessor

Does prayer change things? This question has been debated among Christians for centuries. On the one hand, some Christians believe that God is absolutely open to hearing our prayers and being swayed by them. We can change his mind if we pray fervently enough. On the...
Worshipping Deception

Worshipping Deception

As we have considered the book of Amos, and particularly chapters4–5, we have seen that his message concerned Israel’s worship. In chapter 4, he called Israel to prepare to meet its God. This preparation would take the form of the people examining their worship. To be...
Escaping Judgement

Escaping Judgement

In chapter 4, Amos urged his listeners to prepare to meet their God. Judgement was coming and they needed to be prepared to face it. In chapter 5, he continues this theme of judgement, highlighting that the source of the judgement would be Yahweh himself. He also...
Prepare to Meet Your God

Prepare to Meet Your God

On 8 July 1741, American revivalist preacher Jonathan Edwards preached his most famous sermon: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” The tone was unusual for Edwards, whose preaching was generally more pastoral. His fellow preacher, George Whitefield, was more prone...