Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I park when I arrive?
Ample parking is provided across the three properties belonging to the church. We try, as far as possible, to keep parking in the main lot for visitors and the elderly. When you arrive, one of the men on security will be available in the parking lot to assist you with parking. If there is no parking in the main lot, you will be directed to drive through the lot and access the parking in the adjacent property.
Security teams patrol all parking areas throughout the services. We encourage you, however, to park inside the gates as vehicles parked on the pavement are more difficult to guard.
What facilities do you provide for the disabled?
Parking bays near the main entrance to the church are reserved for the disabled. At present, we have four disabled parking bays.
Wheelchair access is provided into the building via a ramp to the front door, and a disabled toilet is available.
What happens in the event of a medical emergency?
God has graciously gifted our church with several medical specialists in different fields. Should a medical emergency arise during the service, it is very likely that one of the doctors or nurses in the congregation will notice. If not, church members will alert one of the medical professionals, who will quickly and quietly come to your assistance, and continue to watch over you until an ambulance arrives (if necessary).
Who do I speak to at the service if I need information about something?
You can speak to just about anyone, who will point you in the right direction. Ask anyone around you to introduce you to one of our pastors, who will be glad to answer your question or to point you to the correct person to answer your question.
Will I be expected to say anything?
We have no desire to embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable when you visit. There is a very good chance that you will be noticed by members on your first visit and will be greeted by them before or after the service. However, you will not be identified in any way during the service.
A QR code is displayed on screen before and after the service, which you can scan to leave your information if you would like someone to follow up with you regarding your visit. Alternatively, there is a box on the wall near the double glass doors in the main hall, where you can find and leave a physical visitor’s card for follow up.
Is there a dress code?
There is no strict dress code, but you will quickly realise that the general ethos of the church is quite conservative. Our only request in terms of dress is that you dress modestly so as to avoid any unnecessary distraction during the service.
Can I meet the pastor?
Our pastors would love to meet you. If you arrive early enough or hang around for a little while after the service, there is a good chance that one of the pastors will notice you and introduce himself. However, should you deliberately wish to meet one of the pastors, do not hesitate to introduce yourself! Ask anyone around you to introduce you to one of the pastors.
How long are the sermons?
We place a high priority on preaching. A typical Sunday morning sermon will last anywhere from 45–55 minutes. Our Sunday evening service is more of a prayer-focused service, though it also includes a 20–25 minute devotional sermon.
How can I get a copy of a sermon?
Sermons are also available for download on the website within an hour or two after the end of the service. Links to sermons are made available on social media channels, and video recordings of the sermons are posted on the church YouTube channel.
Can I make copies of the material on the website or of a sermon to distribute to friends?
Unless otherwise specified, all material on our website is free of copyright. You are welcome to redistribute the material in any form. We ask only that material be distributed unedited and that you do not charge any more than it cost you to produce the material in the format in which you are distributing it.
Is provision made for children?
During Family Bible Hour (8:30 AM to 9:15 AM) children’s Sunday school classes are available. Children are taken directly to their classes at the beginning of Family Bible Hour. Teachers are in their classes tor receive children from 8:15 AM.
During the morning service, a crèche is available for children ages 0–3. There is no children’s church during the services. We belive that children should be exposed to regular church life as early as possible and invite you to bring your children into the service with you. Parents who think that their children are a particular distraction are welcome to sit in the balcony or in the fellowship hall outside the kitchen, where there is audiovisual feed for the service.
A mother’s room is available for nursing mothers, which has an audiovisual feed for the sermon into it. There is also a room with audiovisual feed for parents with sick children.
How do I begin the process of church membership?
You begin the process by visiting the church! Church membership is a considered decision, and so it is important for you to visit for several weeks or months before you consider membership.
Once you have attended for a few weeks and have decided that you would like to take the next step, join a Membership Information Class. These classes are held the first Sunday of every month (except January) during Family Bible Hour (8:30 AM – 9:15 AM). This once-off class will offer you a brief history of the church, some insight into the ethos of the church, and information about further steps for church membership.
Will you baptise my child?
Baptism is an act of obedience for those who have been saved by God’s grace and have requested baptism. We do not baptise infants. We also believe that baptism brings a Christian into formal association with the church. We, therefore, baptise people into church membership. We only baptise those who have indicated their desire to join in membership with the church.
Can I participate in Communion?
We do not practice “closed Communion.” The Lord’s Table is not only for members of BBC. We do, however, believe in “close Communion,” by which we mean that Communion is only to be taken by those who are believers. If you are a baptised believer in good standing with another local church, or seeking membership in a local church, we invite you to partake with us.
Will you perform a wedding or funeral at the church for me?
Weddings and funerals are performed only for church members or those seeking membership with the church. Speak to one of the pastors if you have any questions about this.