Weekly Roundup
Weekly roundup for the coming week, including Lord’s Day ministries, important announcements, and information for the coming Sunday.
07–13 July 2024
Doug takes us to 1 Corinthians 15 again on Sunday morning for what will likely be our penultimate study in that great resurrection discourse, focusing particularly on vv. 35–49. Anton preaches Sunday night from Philippians 2:14–16.
Holiday Bible club and Teens for Christ ran successfully this week, and we are thankful for the members who tirelessly served in this ministry this past week. Doug has written to express his gratitude for members who served in this way. You can read his expression of gratitude here:
The next women’s Bible study workshop is on Saturday at 9:00 AM. All women are welcome to attend, even if you didn’t register for the Ruth study. The VIP Christmas in July meeting will happen on Saturday, 20 July at the church from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. RSVP to Veronica by 14 July.
We are Week 5 of 9 in our of elective classes in Family Bible Hour this Sunday. These classes will run three rounds, so you will have opportunity to attend three of the four through the remainder of the year.
Baptist Essentials
Balcony classroom
Fellowship hall
Why Trust the Bible?
Library classroom
Spiritual Disciplines
Upper crèche
Sunday: 1 Corinthians 15:35–49
Monday: 1 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10–11; Titus 1
Tuesday: 1 Kings 13–14; 2 Chronicles 12; Psalm 47; Titus 2
Wednesday: 1 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 13–14; Titus 3
Thursday: 2 Chronicles 15–16; 1 Kings 16; Philemon
Friday: 1 Kings 17–18; Psalm 119; Jude
Saturday: Catch-up day
Here is the roundup for the coming week.
Lord’s Day Duties
Duty Contact: Lashner Ciorovich
Security Duty: Thamsanqa Gampu; Jonathan Hing
Transport Duty: Patson Ngidi; Basil Hing
Welcome Duty: Theuns Human; Ursula Human
Offering Duty: Banele Ndlovu; Patson Ngidi; Methuli Nleya; Fred Odame; Ryan Sun; Barnie Venter
Refreshment Duty: Gemma Ciorovich; Vaughan de Stoppelaar; Venita de Stoppelaar; Raymond Green; Abongile Ngxakeni
Communion Preparation: Basil Hing; Sandy Hing
Crèche Duty FBH: Kerry-Anne Beetge; Nicole Swanepoel
Crèche Duty AM: Andrea Hing; Melissa van den Heuvel; Yvette Swanepoel; Abigail Swanepoel
Crèche Duty PM: Megan Brits; Wendy-Leigh van der Walt
Lord’s Day Announcements
Childcare: Childcare is provided in the crèche for children 3 and under during the morning and evening services. A parent or responsible adult is required to sign children in and out.
Sunday School: Sunday school begins at 8:30 AM. Parents are asked to take their children directly to their classrooms. Teachers will be prepared to receive children at 8:15 AM. A parent or responsible adult is required to sign children in and out.
Evening Service: Join us tonight at 5:30 PM for our time of prayer and Communion.
Coming Week Announcements
Grace Groups: Grace Groups resume for the third term this week. Visit the church website to sign up for the emailed discussion guide every Monday. The Grace Group homework will also drop on the Church Center app each week.
Basic: Basic, our Friday night primary school ministry, meets next on Friday, 12 July. Speak to Joshua Swanepoel for more information.
YQ: YQ, our Friday night youth ministry, meets next on Friday, 12 July. Speak to Joel Oommen for more information.
Women’s Bible Study Workshop: The next women’s Bible study workshop is on Saturday at 9:00 AM. All women are welcome to attend, even if you didn’t register for the Ruth study.
VIP Meeting: The Christmas in July meeting will happen on Saturday, 20 July at the church from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. RSVP to Veronica by 14 July.
Church Communication: If you are a member of the church, ensure that you have saved the church’s WhatsApp number to your contacts so that messages broadcast from the church phone will reach you. Also remember to install the Church Center app. Speak to Stuart or Jadyn if you need help with the app.
Ministry of Mercy: Remember to drop any clothing or unused household items into the box in the foyer for Lorraine Papazoglou to distribute to people in need.
Prayer Items
Prayer Psalm: Psalm 86
Bereaved: Kobus van der Walt (brother)
Members of the Week: Kyrin & Melissa van den Heuvel; Hugo, Wendy-Leigh, Sage & Jade van der Walt
Expectant Couples: Thamsanqa & Tshepiso Gampu; Joshua & Emma Swanepoel
Special Needs: Antonina de Almeida; Leticia Correia; Kay Govender
Ministry: Discipleship
Supported Worker: Tsholo Kukuni (Bloemfontein)
Nation Focus: Singapore (Asia) is a multi-religious society in which religious tolerance and harmony are government priorities. The church is growing, though Christians struggle to maintain their spiritual fervour in the highly materialistic, competitive, and achievement-oriented culture. Pray that Christ and his gospel will remain the first love of Christians in Singapore.
Persecution Focus: Cuba (No. 27 on the Persecution World Watch List)
Sister Churches: Hope Baptist Church (Zimbabwe)—Samuel Meda
Our Country: Ministry of Finance—Mr Enoch Godongwana; Mr David Masondo; Mr Ashor Sarupen
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Sunday, 07 July: Grace van Heerden
Monday, 08 July: Lashner Ciorovich; Tlali Gaotsenwe; Pat Herrick; Jessica O’Donovan; Daniel Swanepoel
Tuesday, 09 July: Sandhya Lear; Alan Leonard; Joshua Oommen; Emily Starkey
Thursday, 11 July: Jonathan William; Tracey Winchester
Friday, 12 July: Evander Lear; Honour Moore; Zachary Smith
Saturday, 13 July: Lebo Mlambo; Ronel Thomas; Joel & Jessica Oommen
This Week’s Sermons
Resurrection Image-ination (1 Corinthians 15:35–49)
When it comes to the resurrection, Christians need a biblically instructed imagination. Not in the sense of make-believe, but rather the biblically realistic ability to look at what is decaying and normally to be discarded with the eyes of faith seeing a new creation, made in the image of Jesus Christ. We will look at this passage under four headings:
1. Interrogation (v. 35)
2. Illustration (vv. 36–41)
3. Implication (vv. 42–44)
4. Image-ination (vv. 45–49)
The Bridled Tongue (Philippians 2:14–16)
1. A Tongue Bridled by the Gospel (v. 14)
2. A Testimony Born of the Gospel (v. 15)
3. The Impact of the Sincere Gospel (v. 16)
Resurrection Image-ination
Church Bank Accounts
General Account (Tithing)
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Bracken City
Branch Code: 252 242
Account Number: 5941 0006 596
Account Type: Cheque
Missions Account (Faith Promise)
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Bracken City
Branch Code: 252 242
Account Number: 6206 1874 824
Account Type: Cheque
Building Account (Building Fund)
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Bracken City
Branch Code: 252 242
Account Number: 6208 8237 542
Account Type: Cheque