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Anton Beetge - 14 January, 2024

The Root of Faithlessness (Malachi 2:14–16)

Our faithlessness in covenantal relationships stems from losing sight of our God-given purpose and mission. Malachi 2 shows how losing sight of God’s glory leads to the destruction of every other relationship because we live contrary to God’s wisdom by default. Malachi exhorts the people of God to guard their spirits if they will avoid destruction. We consider, from these verses: 1. An argument from the greater to the lesser 2. The mission of marriage (and all Christian relationships) 3. The detriment of the faithless

Scripture References: Malachi 2:14-16

From Series: "Miscellaneous"

Sermons in this series are once-off sermons preached by various church members.

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Our faithlessness in covenantal relationships stems from losing sight of our God-given purpose and mission. Malachi 2 shows how losing sight of God’s glory leads to the destruction of every other relationship because we live contrary to God’s wisdom by default. Malachi exhorts the people of God to guard their spirits if they will avoid destruction. We consider, from these verses:

1. An argument from the greater to the lesser
2. The mission of marriage (and all Christian relationships)
3. The detriment of the faithless