Doug Van Meter - 25 December 2022
The I AM of Christmas (John 1:14)
Scripture References: John 1:14
From Series: "Christmas Services"
These sermons form part of the Christmas Day (or Christmas Eve) services.
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The Gospel of John profoundly presents Jesus as the Son of God (20:31), a theme that causes careful readers and expositors to feel overwhelmed and inadequate. The prologue (1:1–18) is a case in point. It is so profound, and yet John expected his Spirit-guided readers to get it: that God became man in order to save us from our sins. Yahweh, the great “I AM,” became a man to rescue us from spiritual and eternal darkness. To benefit from this rescue, we must believe that the Jesus of history is the God who precedes history. We must believe that Jesus is the I AM—that, on Christmas, the I AM was born and laid in a manger. We need to believe that, on Christmas, the I AM was born.