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Shayne de Lange - 11 June, 2023

The God Who Kills People (2 Samuel 6:1–23)

John Newton once prayed, “When I see thee as thou art, I will praise thee as I ought.” If we are honest with ourselves, we often fail to worship God the way we ought, because we so often lose sight of who God is. Perhaps we’ve become too familiar with him, perhaps we’ve fashioned him after our image, or perhaps we’ve side-stepped him completely. Regardless, we would do well to remember who our God is: a God who kills people. We will study 2 Samuel 6 under four broad headings: 1. The God who Deserves Our Worship (vv. 1–2) 2. The God who Demands Our Obedience in Worship (vv. 3–11) 3. The God who Discerns Our Hearts in Worship (vv. 16, 20–23) 4. The God who Delights in Our Blessing (vv. 12–19)

Scripture References: 2 Samuel 6:1-23

From Series: "Guest Speakers"

The sermons or talks in this study are by various guest speakers over the years.

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