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Doug Van Meter - 12 February, 2023

The Maturity of the Cross (1 Corinthians 2:6–13)

1 Corinthians Exposition

One could be mistaken for assuming that Paul was anti-wisdom in view of what he has written from 1:18ff. Of course, one would be wrong. Though Paul was anti the “wisdom of the world,” he was pro the wisdom of God, for it is the power of God for salvation (1:23–24). Here, in 2:6–13, Paul exalts God’s wisdom and exults in the Spirit’s grace in giving such wisdom to those who embrace the message of the cross. He designates these as the mature. In this passage we will discover: 1. The Identification of the Mature (vv. 6–8) 2. The Illumination of the Mature (vv. 9–12) 3. The Instruction of the Mature (v. 13)

Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 2:6-13

From Series: "1 Corinthians Exposition"

An exposition of 1 Corinthians by Doug Van Meter.

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