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Stuart Chase - 24 July, 2022

Freely Subjected (1 Peter 2:13–17)

Clear-thinking Christians are united in their agreement that Christ, not Caesar, is our ultimate authority. Clear-thinking Christians are also united in their agreement that Christians owe some form of respect to human government. But there is a diversity of opinion on what that submission looks like. Does the Bible have any guidance for us in this regard? As we continue to work our way through 1 Peter, we come to a text that tackles head on the Christian response to human government. We consider 2:13–17 under the following headings: 1. The Expectation of Submission (v. 13a) 2. The Specification of Submission (vv. 13b–14) 3. The Motivation for Submission (v. 15) 4. The Disposition of Submission (v. 16) 5. The Qualification of Submission (v. 17)

Scripture References: 1 Peter 2:13-17

From Series: "1 Peter Exposition"

An exposition, by the elders of Brackenhurst Baptist Church, of the first epistle of Peter.

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