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Doug Van Meter - 10 July, 2022

A Holy Community (1 Peter 2:4–10)

The local church is God’s chosen and holy community, which displays a holy conduct (1:1–21) as it grows in holy communion with one another and with the Lord (1:22–2:3). In 2:4–10 Peter reminds his readers that they are a holy community. He employs uses several descriptive phrases, grounded in the Old Testament, to remind them of their identity and to show them that, if they will live properly as a community of faith, they must appreciate their amazing identity as assigned by God. We will consider these verses under the following headings: 1. A Community that is Drawing Near (v. 4) 2. A Community that is Building Up (vv. 5–8) 3. A Community that is Speaking Out (vv. 9–10)

Scripture References: 1 Peter 2:4-10

From Series: "1 Peter Exposition"

An exposition, by the elders of Brackenhurst Baptist Church, of the first epistle of Peter.

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