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Mario Maneville - 10 March, 2024

For the Earth Shall Be Filled (Habakkuk 2:14)

The whole mission of the whole church is to take the whole gospel to the whole world for the whole person. This is God’s mission, and we have been commissioned to be on mission for him. Thankfully, his mission in this world is relentlessly advancing and there is no power or government or Satanic scheme that can stop it from covering all the ends of the earth. Habakkuk both promises the ultimate victory of God’s mission and serves as a model for how we should respond to the conditions in the world around us as we carry out his commission.

Scripture References: Habakkuk 2:14

From Series: "World Outreach Celebration 2024"

Sermons from the 2024 World Outreach Celebration, which focused on local church planting and revitalisation.

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