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Edwin Steytler - 26 March 2023

Restoring Worship (Ezra 1:1–11; 3:1–2)

Hidden Figures

Worship is central to the child of God’s expressions of love, devotion, adoration, dependence, and thanksgiving. Through worship, we attribute reverence, honour and glory to God, exalting his name above all else and submitting to his role and reign in our lives. The opening chapters of Ezra reminds us of the importance of worship to God’s children and how he uses two lesser known leaders to restore the worship that has been broken through disobedience. We consider the record of these leaders under four broad headings: 1. Broken Worship 2. Faithful Response 3. Hindered Progress 4. Worship Restored?

Scripture References: Ezra 1:1-11

From Series: "Hidden Figures"

Lessons from some of the lesser known characters in Scripture.

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