+27 (11) 867 3505 church@bbcmail.co.za
House Rules

House Rules

I was recently put in an uncomfortable position, which called for a biblically necessary response. The rules of our house were violated and a confrontation was necessary. Not my house—not 2 Rooiivoor Street—but rather our house that gathers at 76 Roy Campbell Street....
New Year Rules

New Year Rules

With the arrival of a new year, we are often resolute to make changes and so we make resolutions about diet or exercise or relationships or habits or any number of things. Some resolutions result in real change and others, well, not so much. It seems that the roads...
No Ordinary Father

No Ordinary Father

I have been both intrigued and challenged by the biblical record of Joseph, husband of Mary and earthly (though not biological) father of Jesus the Christ. The biblical record is brief and yet rich with lessons for those who have ears to hear. Recently, we saw that...
He Made the Stars Also

He Made the Stars Also

I was recently reading the early chapters of Genesis and was struck—again—by the words of 1:16: “And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars” (ESV). Or as other translations so wonderfully...
When the Day Dawns

When the Day Dawns

Recently, I spoke from 2 Corinthians 4:6, which tells of God’s good news that, through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, sinners like you and me can be reconciled to God. The word picture of the text is that of light replacing darkness. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, a...
A Spiritual Tonic

A Spiritual Tonic

“For now we live if you are standing fast in the Lord.” So wrote the apostle Paul to his beloved brothers and sisters in the church of Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 3:8). He acknowledged their faithfulness as a spiritual tonic, which emboldened him to persevere in the...