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Athi Mgqibelo - 11 June, 2023

A Selfless Servant (Philippians 2:25–30)

In this text, we see a man—Epaphroditus—with a deep love for Christ and the church, so deep that his own well-being becomes secondary, he selfishly serves Christ and the kingdom even if it meant death for him. A rare jewel for the church. We consider these verses and the ministry of Epaphroditus under three broad headings: 1. The servant 2. The selfless 3. The sacrificial

Scripture References: Philippians 2:25-30

From Series: "Guest Speakers"

The sermons or talks in this study are by various guest speakers over the years.

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In this text, we see a man—Epaphroditus—with a deep love for Christ and the church, so deep that his own well-being becomes secondary, he selfishly serves Christ and the kingdom even if it meant death for him. A rare jewel for the church. We consider these verses and the ministry of Epaphroditus under three broad headings:

1. The servant
2. The selfless
3. The sacrificial